I Love You, You Love Me Not (19/20)

A sea of troubles. Lolle has dropped out of the Art Academy, her comic drawings, which she sends to publishers, are returned with friendly rejection notes. The bank has pulled the plugs on her account, and her mother has stopped her allowance. And, to top it all, she then surprises Sven with the vamp Alexis - more heartache. But things get even worse. Alexis handcuffs Sven to the bed and then simply disappears. The man from the Key Service unlocks Sven's handcuffs - but then handcuffs him to Lolle when Sven refuses to pay the bill of 500 euros. They are forced to spend the rest of the day together, and so Lolle is present when Sven and Sylvia talk to Daniel's school psychologist? Meanwhile Hart is struggling with himself and his feelings for Sarah.