Frog Kings (4/20)

Entrance exam in the Art Academy. There'll be a list on the notice board today of those applicants who have got through to the oral exam. But before then there's still time to find the dream kisser. Meanwhile Alex claims that he kissed Lolle during the power cut. There's nothing for it but to launch a kiss offensive. Lolle summons all candidates to the comic shop, even though her colleague Lenny can only shake his head and mutters about "kissing amok!". One disappointment after another - until Fatman is the only one left. Fatman of all people, the creep from the advertising agency, the one who stole her job. Oh yes, and there's still Alex? This Alex, who keeps crossing her path. He even turns up before her oral exam in the Art Academy and happens to overhear Director Hagen blackmailing Lolle: "Spend the evening with me and I'll make sure that you're accepted!" Not for a moment does Alex hesitate - he threatens Hagen with a lawyer. Not bad. Lolle is accepted. Now she just has to find the superkisser. It's not Alex: Lolle knows this after a trial kiss. The stupid thing is - Alex kisses even better than the superkisser. And Alex asks Lolle for a date to celebrate passing the exam.