Desperately Seeking Beinlich (9/20)

Life is wonderful! Lolle has decided in favour of Alex. Lolle has been accepted at the Art Academy. And Dennis, the adolescent pain in the neck, has been keeping a low profile lately. He's the pest who always sneaks around the comic shop, tears the comics and then tries to haggle with Lolle because he only wants to pay half-price. Dennis - "I don't think so!" At least, this is her attitude until the moment when Lena, Dennis' mother, turns up to say that Dennis is in hospital. Diagnosis: bone cancer. Lolle takes some comics to Dennis in hospital. In two days it's Dennis' birthday and he has only one wish: "Stefan 'Paule' Beinlich, the footballer from Hertha BSC, he's great. If only I could meet him!" Paule Beinlich as a surprise guest on Dennis' birthday. How to persuade the football star? Hart has an idea?