Try A Little Tenderness (17/20)

Yet another rejection. Lolle is gradually despairing of ever making out as a comic artist. But the alternative would be to go back to the Art Academy. In this situation Alex, of all people, turns up and offers Lolle a job. 5,000 euros if she draws the logo for the talk show "Didi Perle". Lolle, hurt that Alex only talks to her about work, turns down the offer. Until Lenny tells her that he thinks the comic shop will go bankrupt in two months. Lolle is already on her bike? She's in luck. Lolle catches her ex before he can pass the job on to a friend. Result: Lolle and Alex work on the logo together. The motif: a pearl, presenter Didi Perle's lucky charm. The two of them can even laugh together again. If only it weren't for Clint, Alex's dog. He is jealous, steals the pearl, disappears with it into a park and is promptly captured by a group of Satanists. Lolle and Alex have no choice: they have to free Clint from the clutches of the Satanists? Hart persuades Sarah to go to a course in preparation for the birth. At first the atmosphere is rather strained. But when Sarah finds out that Ruth is the midwife, then she is determined to stay. A few minutes later Hart finds out why: Sarah and Ruth were once an item. And now Sarah wants to meet her again. Hart is stricken by jealousy?