Take Two (3/20)

"I won't date either of you until I've made my decision!" Lolle tells Sven and Alex. The two men agree. But the result is that Lolle misses both of them terribly and finds the situation quite unbearable. Sarah's advice: "Take two!" And so Lolle relies on "chance" encounters. Very soon she ends up in bed with Sven - and suddenly Alex appears on the scene. Obviously drastic action is now called for. Lolle's idea: "The three of us leave Berlin, go out to the country right now. We'll camp for the weekend. And then I'll know who I want. Promise!" Great idea: if only the car hadn't broken down, then the two men wouldn't have joined forces against Lolle - then Lolle wouldn't have decided to go on alone. And then, of course, the early morning shellfire in the military training area would not have been so threatening. But the car did break down, and now Lolle, all on her own, has pitched her tent right there - in the military training area?