Sven Or Alex? (1/20)

"I love you!" says Sven to Lolle. And a huge lovebite on her throat bears witness to the night they spent together. Lolle is totally confused. She'd actually decided to look for a flat together with Alex. What now? "Keep cool!" is Lolle's strategy in this situation. But how to keep cool when Alex shows her a dream flat already equipped with an easel and a drawing board? How to keep cool when Sven suddenly joins her in the shower and kisses her so that she goes weak at the knees? And how to keep cool when she's in a bus, wearing nothing more than a bath towel, and the inspector wants to see her ticket? Hart has a very different problem. He is now together with Sarah and has spent the whole night chatting to her - and now Sarah wants a change of scene. She wants to take a bath with him?This means naked!