Stuttgart, Stuttgart (1/20)

Off to adventure in Swabia! Lolle now lives in Stuttgart. Trial period in a publishing house that is interested in her Zoe comic. Berlin was - fortunately - not like Malente. And Stuttgart is - unfortunately - not like Berlin. Or would anyone in Berlin have been uptight simply because Lolle spat her chewing gum out on the street?In Stuttgart, at any rate, the chewing-gum inquisitor provokes a fair-to-middling popular uprising, during which Lolle has a serious run-in with an elderly lady. Unfortunately Dinkel the publisher, of all people, witnesses this scandal. For soon afterwards Lolle has to present her comic to Dinkel.Presentation of the comic - forget it!. No chance that Lolle's dream of her own comic will finally come true. Lolle's only hope: Dinkel's daughter Sabine, who is head of the comic department in the publishing house. And, indeed, Sabine invites Lolle to a party that her father is holding the next day. It's just that Lolle must have misunderstood something. She appears at the brunch for business friends of the publishing boss in the Wonder-Woman costume?And what are Sarah, Hart, Sven and Vero up to meanwhile? Hart is convinced that Lolle belongs in Berlin. Sarah thinks that Lolle should decide herself about her life, and Vero wants to marry Sven. And Sven? He's pleased when Vero moves into Lolle's room. And completely disses Hart's idea of bringing Lolle back to Berlin?

Nominated for the 34th International EMMY AWARD 2006
32nd International EMMY AWARD 2004 - Best Comedy
GOLDEN ROSE AWARD 2004 - Felicitas Woll awarded as Best Actress in a Sitcom
ADOLF GRIMME AWARD 2003 - Felicitas Woll awarded as Best Actress in a Sitcom
ADOLF GRIMME AWARD 2003 - David Safier awarded for Best Script