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It is Chief Inspector Friedl Papen's first day on the job when a member of the military is kidnapped. Papen is filled in on the details by MP Captain Uli Steiger, an attractive woman in her mid-thirties and now Papen's liaison.   She explains that six months ago in Afghanistan, a military police convoy under the command of Lt. Darkow, the kidnapped officer, was booby-trapped. Three soldiers lost their lives. Papen and Steiger have to work together despite their different views of the military. The kidnapping gains a new dimension when the kidnappers post a video on the Internet, which shows a very frightened Lt. Darkow standing on a contact mine. It's only a matter of time until the mine explodes unless they find him first... 

  • Filmfest München 2009
  • Nominated for ADOLF GRIMME AWARD 2010