
The dog trainer for a rescue dog association, Werner Murrer is found dead in the car park of the association's property. His partner and chairperson of the association, Josefine Scheffler is stunned. Mountain farmer Josef Holler quickly becomes the focus of the investigation. He believes that it is due to Murrer's incompetence that his wife Uli is now wheelchair bound following a mudslide. But at the dog association too there are people who are not well-disposed to Murrer. Like the mentally unstable dog owner Lilly Wengert, whose dog Zeus disappeared without a trace before Murrer's death. A mysterious box containing false fingernails found in Murrer's home leads the detectives to Clara Blink (47), owner of a nail salon. It transpires that Murrer was having an affair with her. Did Murrer's double life catch up with him? The discovery of Lilly Wengert's dead dog produces a surprise twist. At home too, things are going to the dogs for Beissl.