Who's the Thief?

Petronella ordered the magical vacuum cleaner “WonderClean” to help Lucius with all of his household chores. But the loudly droning vacuum cleaner that scurries up and down the apple house quickly gets on Lucius' nerves. Lucius unceremoniously carries it outside. Shortly after, all sorts of things start disappearing in the garden: Amanda's pizza dough, the apple stick men’s tools... and where the heck is Turnip Branch? Louis takes on the case. After a series of false suspicions and with the help of all the garden dwellers, the thief is finally caught in the act: It is the WonderClean, which sucks in everything that is not nailed down. Finally, our friends can stop the thief, and everyone gets their stolen things back. Even Turnip Branch emerges safe and sound from inside the magical cleaner. And the WonderClean? From now on, it will do its work in Louis' room, so Louis has more time for his next case!