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When Petronella accidentally sprinkles herself with some of Mary’s plant fertilizer, she grows to human size and none of her usual spells are strong enough to make her small again. But a giant apple witch cannot take care of her garden! Since she does not fit into her apple house at the moment and therefore can't use her witch's kitchen to make the shriking potion, Leah and Louis bring Petronella into their parents’ bakery as a new temporary help. Here, Petronella can brew the antidote. Yet the three of them did not foresee that their mother Mary also has a list of tasks for her new employee. The situation gets completely out of hand, and even Leah and Louis cannot prevent that inedible muffins are served to fussy customer Mrs. Sander and that the kitchen is a mess. But in the end, Petronella manages to shrink back to apple witch size, and she helps Mary out with a small magical “gift”.