The Moon Bellflower

Witch-in-chief Pestilla complains once more about Leah and Louis being in the apple garden: Witches and humans, that is a bad combination! Petronella has a completely different opinion: She and the twins are a great team. To prove the opposite, Pestilla gives the three of them a task: This "great team" must use witchcraft to make a very special flower grow. Our friends are unaware that Pestilla is actually trying to trick them. The task cannot be completed in the given time frame! Nevertheless, our friends combine human devices with magical energy and a good deal of creativity – and this way manage to make the flower sprout after all. Pestilla secretly bewitches the plant with a spell that has unexpected side effects – not long after, quite a few garden inhabitants get stuck in the flower blossoms! It is only when Pestilla admits her cheating that they all find a solution to free themselves. And Pestilla? In the end, she admits that Petronella and the children – well, just may be a good team after all…