The dead man from the bob track

The team doctor of the bobsleigh team lies beaten to death in the training centre. Beissl and Jerry quickly notice that the bobsleigh team has to deal with internal disputes, especially between the two ambitious pilots Tomi Aureiner and André Probst. On the evening before the event, a fight between the doctor and the coach escalated. But the team's service man, Ludwig Mittermaier, known as Wiggerl, is the main suspect. Beissl is plunged into a deep inner conflict of conscience, as Wiggerl is his best friend from his childhood days.

The stories of a mismatched pair of detectives and their family entanglements provide the perfect blend of incidental humor, family life and a varied array of criminal cases all set against the imposing backdrop of the magnificent Alps. What else could you want in a successful police series?

In the German early evening schedule, the premiere broadcast of the first season was a huge success pulling in three million viewers.